Online Learning

Often times in online learning or distance learning, there is a sense of being left out. Online classes at Regent are very engaging as students are encouraged to interact with other students. I have also gained a few friends from online classes. I love the fact that I have learned to keep up with them through different avenues such as fellowship in the faith and facebook. What a thrilling way to keep in touch and grow.

Regent University

Regent University is a place where we can come to learn, experience and grow. A beautiful campus that is topped off with a great staff. Through the indwelling of the holy spirit, Regent University is preparing student to change and impact the world. Founded in sound biblical principles, Regent provides the student with the necessary foothold needed to be used as an instrument in God's plan.

Christian Education

Christian Education interfaces God's word through every aspects of life. We simply cannot have a secular side and sacred side. Through a Christian education, we learn to keep Christ the fore front of all things as we gain knowledge to contribute to God's purpose for our lives. A Christian education will prepare us to share our faith and serve as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Tell Me A Story ….

He explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.
Luke 24:27

Children love to hear stories, even in this highly technological age we are in today. I recently got an ipad and the apps for kids on this thing are amazing! I have downloaded a few, although I do not have kids, I am always in the presence of kids. I find it the perfect opportunity to share stories about Jesus.

I challenge you to consider ways to be creative and to be excited about teaching your children or others biblical truths. Come on! Let your hair down and get innovative. Trust me; it is perfectly fine to turn off the TV.

Dramatizations are great; let me help you get started:

• Prepare dinner dressed like a biblical character – go all out – you know bathrobe, towel and headband for your hair, flip flops for the shoes and tell the kids a biblical story (truthfully) using a voice that you perceive that character would use.

• Get a children’s CD and act out the songs on them! They will laugh and get in on the fun or they will tell someone and have you committed to an asylum!

• Get out to a local park, take a picnic meal and talk about one of Jesus’ miracles.

Listen!! Don’t let Sunday school be the only Christian impact in their lives. Seriously take the time to reflect to see if you are doing everything possible to further your children’s spiritual training.

I want my children and generation to come to know that Nana was a Jesus-Girl. I think I would like this said about me by family:

• She loved and celebrated Easter like most would celebrate Christmas because she knew that the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus were the cornerstone of her faith. She called Easter Resurrection Sunday!
Or how about this one …

• In the face of adversity, she prayed and she did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.

But, in reality I think it will go something like this …

• “Do you remember that time she went into that dressing room at the store to try something on and when she came out to get a different size, she forgot to put her pants back on over her tights”?!

• “Do you remember the time Mom left the sandwiches for the homeless guy that kept coming around. He took the sandwiches and we never saw him again. I wonder if she killed the homeless guy with those sandwiches”?

Yes my dear friends these stories are true!! But my initial point was to let you know how important it is to provide our youth with sound, relevant biblical instruction and that you are allowed to have fun doing so!!
