The AFLAC duck ain't got nothing on our duck! For two days (4/1-4/2), we have been awakened by the squawking (quacking if you'd prefer) of a duck. It took me a solid hour to find the duck. This is never good to do without your glasses at o'dark thirty in the morning. My son says 'Oh the duck is on the roof of the neighbors house!' Without the assistance of my glasses, I chide my male child by proclaiming 'My dear boy, only roosters do that not ducks'. My son replies "OH" and goes in the house only to return a few minutes later with my glasses and a camera. Sure as the sun crested the sky and my glasses were on, -there was the duck on the neighbors roof all excited! I looked at my son who bore the expression of HA! I am victorious over the parent! I simply remarked -my bad.
So after the duck excitement died down, we went inside and I proclaimed "Wouldn't it be awesome if we were that excited in church Sunday with our worship?" My son glanced back at me with one eyebrow lifted and declared "You are obviously a woman who is not fully awake and needs her coffee. I will go and make you a cup before you start thinking you are David and want to dance out of your clothes on Sunday!"
Oh the mind of a teenager. Gotta love it!!
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