Online Learning

Often times in online learning or distance learning, there is a sense of being left out. Online classes at Regent are very engaging as students are encouraged to interact with other students. I have also gained a few friends from online classes. I love the fact that I have learned to keep up with them through different avenues such as fellowship in the faith and facebook. What a thrilling way to keep in touch and grow.

Regent University

Regent University is a place where we can come to learn, experience and grow. A beautiful campus that is topped off with a great staff. Through the indwelling of the holy spirit, Regent University is preparing student to change and impact the world. Founded in sound biblical principles, Regent provides the student with the necessary foothold needed to be used as an instrument in God's plan.

Christian Education

Christian Education interfaces God's word through every aspects of life. We simply cannot have a secular side and sacred side. Through a Christian education, we learn to keep Christ the fore front of all things as we gain knowledge to contribute to God's purpose for our lives. A Christian education will prepare us to share our faith and serve as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Treasures in the Rain!

I have had a membership to the gym for two years and probably used it 10 times! So I have purposely rededicated my efforts at living a wholesome life with God first this time. Today was suppose to be my cardio day. On my way to the gym, my daughter passed me in her vehicle just waving as if she had not seen me in a long time. I had the sudden urge to turn around and go home.  After I got there, I said let's walk to Wal-Mart! Totally not me! It was just beginning to rain outside. I thought she would say 'No Thanks' but to my chargrin, she said -Sure let's go!

On the way, we laughed and chat about nothing and everything. She is away at college and out on Spring Break and I can definitely tell that she is maturing into a beautiful young woman. On the way to Wal-Mart we stopped and shopped in one of the local retail stores. It occurred to me that we were both in a store that we BOTH liked and AGREED on the styles. That has not happened since she was in the 6th grade! We bought a few accessories and headed to Wally-world. We did not buy a thing in there and could not figure out why we wanted to go to Wal-Mart! This made us laugh so hard till we had to stop for a potty break.

We sat outside a pizzeria and had a slice of pepperoni pizza each. Then she had a bright idea. She wanted to buy a large pizza for her brother as a surprise. With the help of a coupon, she purchased a 20" jumbo pizza for him. This huge pizza comes out and we prepare to leave the pizzeria. Only then do we realize that carrying a huge pizza box in the rain was not going to work! By this time, it was pouring. After we regain our composure from our second round of hysterical laughter we decided to call my husband to come pick us up. We were laughing so hard, he thought we were kidding!! So down our phone list we go until we finally got someone who was available to come pick us up. As soon as we go into the house, it started lightening and thundering. My daughter is still afraid of storms!

This was the best day -unplanned and plain full of heart felt warmth and sharing. No computers or other distraction just enjoying each others company and I still got my cardio in! Today was a wholesome day.