Yep I had my first bike ride in 20 years on Mother's Day! Keeping in line with my theme of "Health and Self 2009", I have added a new adventure to the list.
When asked what I desired for Mother's Day, I replied "a bike". And no one really took me seriously. You know they would just smile that sympathetic smile of "ohhhh, well bless her little ole heart". But on the eve of Mother's Day, I go into Target to look for a new Zune (because the one I have does not have enough memory to hold my audio books and my pics). Well, I decided to walk around the store and just browse because it is early and the store has just opened and the mass pandemonium of people shopping for Mother's Day gifts at the last minute has not yet begin. Now to my amazement, I do not purchase anything because I do not see anything I really want but, I head to the garden section because I am sure that I will find something there I want. After perusing for several minutes I can only muster up 2 packets of seeds.
In a last ditch effort, I walk the final row which has BBQ grills on it and at the very end of the aisle, low and behold, I spy a red and white Schwinn beach cruiser for males. Of course, I get a little excited because if they have the bike for men then surely they must have the bike for women (I just cant negotiate that bar 'betwix' the legs). And heavens to Betsy they have the bike in the female version for approx. $100.00.
So .... do I purchase the bike? Nope, I go and get Old Faithful who thought I had no idea what I wanted for Mother's Day (better known as hubby) and drag him to the neighborhood Target and show him my prize just waiting for me. Now the the look on his face was priceless. He really thought his wife had fell of her rocker; but not wanting to disappoint, alas he purchased the big beach cruiser. All the while hubby was thinking 'she aint gonna ride this thing no more than the dog will.'
Well I planned to ride my bike that night around 10 or 11pm. Why so late? Just in case I FELL on my first try. Ok, we go outside under the cover of night and the lateness of the day and wouldnt you know it! The neighbors were just arriving home from who knows where and decide to stay outside and fix a light!! Was I going to ride now?!?! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, it is Mother's Day after church and I am having an adventure streak out of this world. I really really really REALLY want to ride my bike. So I decide to risk it all. Just go for it. All or nothing. So I go and get dressed in something nice (in case I fall, I would look too bad and have on clean underwear like my mom always taught me) I try my luck in the back yard first. I did not fall and still knew how to stay upright (miracles, gotta love' em). Out into the cul-de-sac I go and we have a successful lift off. I rode that bike like a kids at Christmas. I venture out into the streets and had a great time. Yes, I shocked a lot of neighbors and onlookers as I rode with complete confidence.
You know, you can get a whole new look on your neighborhood from bike riding (especially as slow as I ride). You get to look at all the yards that are decorated with plants and trinkets. There are patriotic homes and home with statues (in my neighborhood, really!). There are magnificent gardens and children playing on swing sets. There are also families of duck and geese crossing the street and the smell of grills cooking. I especially love riding at dusk because this is when you can get a view of the homes that do not have blinds or some other window coverings.
I think I did pretty good for my first bike ride in 20 years. The best part is that I really loved it!